Collaboration between interior designer and installer is essential so that no clashes occur and you risk having to correct any mistakes later, resulting in an unhappy customer.
Here are 4 tips to avoid hitches:
1- Create a project based on the client's interests
Often, some interior designers take the last project they made and use it again by another client, without taking into account the fact that perhaps the layout of the home automation system and the client's preferences change. It is therefore very important that they realise designs that are best suited to the client's choices and the home where they are to be applied.
2- Consider the presence of home automation from the very beginning of project development
In order to avoid having to correct mistakes later, another piece of advice for interior designers is that they should take into account the presence of home automation from the outset so that it fits in with the aesthetic choices and avoids problems that have to be corrected later, resulting in an unsatisfied customer.
3- Consider from the outset how home automation equipment
looks aesthetically
One thing that needs to be clarified well between interior designer and home automation installer is how home automation equipment looks aesthetically, in order to fit in with the rest of the aesthetics of the home or to possibly consider other equipment that fits better.
This is always taking into account the client's choices, as there may be clients who in one situation prefer a modern recessed light and others who prefer a classic ceiling light.
4- Consider the possible need for advice from
by experts
To improve the home automation presence in a project, more experienced installers can be contacted for advice, EDMONDO ALEX sas provides this service, the purpose of which can vary from recommending the material to be installed to creating a specific offer for the customer concerned.
In conclusion, you have to know that in addition to audio and video systems, technology integrators design and install smart home control systems, lighting, motorised blinds and shutters, cameras and video surveillance, energy management to achieve the greatest possible savings, and much more, all of which are always designed and implemented according to customer preferences.