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Voice control in the smart home: what you need to know

Writer's picture: https://domotica-smarthome.com
Voice control platforms offer a hands-free way to operate lights, thermostats, locks and more.

We've all found ourselves in: wet hands, full arms, juggling five things at once or simply in the middle of something else when the doorbell rings, you need more light or you'd like to change the channel on the TV or switch to a new song. Of course, you could stop what you are doing, dry your hands, put things down or otherwise free yourself to access the various controls.

Voice control - Gaining momentum

It is not only technology enthusiasts who have adopted voice as a means of gathering information e controllare la home. "Before voice control, we often heard of families in which only the father would use the home control system," In the early stages of the technology, it may have been more interesting for early users .
We have reached the point where voice control has been adopted by all ages and genders for its simplicity and is recognised as a solution for those with visual impairments, mobility problems or simply a fear of technology.

Continuous refinements create better experiences

"I had a bad experience." We know this, even if we try to put it aside. Like any new technology, voice control has grown rapidly and experienced some growing pains. In the beginning, voice assistants and smart speakers sometimes struggled to hear users' verbal requests, often misinterpreted commands and only responded to particular phrases. Moreover, these commands could only control selected smart home devices. All this has changed. Voice control systems have been designed with more advanced microphones to improve intelligibility, advanced speech recognition engines to understand different vocal rhythms and patterns, and technology that allows them to integrate with many popular home control systems.
The latter is a turning point, as a spoken phrase, such as 'I'm home', can now command multiple devices at once: turning on the hall light, Able to hear, understand and execute verbal commands, voice control platforms have eliminated the need to tap buttons on a smartphone or tablet to search for music, find a keypad in the dark to turn on lights, or type in information with the remote control to find a particular movie to watch. The hands-free nature of this voice control and the interaction of voice-enabled technology is the main reason why homeowners have adopted voice control. The numbers are mind-boggling. As of January 2020, smart speaker owners have increased by 40 per cent compared to 2018.

Voice is now a valid method of home control

the answer is yes. Voice assistants and smart speakers may have started as a pipeline for information, although consumers now expect to use these devices for more advanced activities such as voice calls, music or eBook playback, and access to calendars, directions, weather and news. People see value in voice assistants that manage home security and provide connected home automation.
To be more specific, there is a wide variety of applications for which voice control is ideal. For example, it is extremely useful when your hands are busy. It's also quicker and easier to start music, tune in to a particular TV programme or set thermostats to specific setpoints via a voice command than manually scrolling through menus on a touchpanel or mobile app. It is also much more fun to sing in the shower with music playing in the background, thanks to a voice assistant or smart speaker.

Voice control and the classic smart home

Despite all its allure, voice control is not the end of a smart home lifestyle. There are still many occasions when using a keyboard, touchpanel, remote control, or smartphone makes more sense. By combining other control methods, We can offer a completely robust solution, allowing homeowners to use voice control for certain situations and keyboards, touchpanels, apps, and remotes for other types of activities.
As you learned here, voice control is definitely a viable control option for the home and a great way to make things more easily accessible and easier to use. Technology is not perfect even though it evolves and improves every day (the more people who use it, the better it becomes. Voice control products update their software regularly, it gets better every month). Our research and development team is constantly working on finding better options for your needs .
Alex Edmondo
Contact us if you would like to learn more

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